“The path from dreams to success does exist.

May you have the vision to find it, the courage to get on to it, and the perseverance to follow it.”

Kalpana Chawla



Founded by Tal Shahar, YESODMA is a space for driven women who are ready to fulfill their mission and live their wildest dreams.

In Kabbalah, YESOD is the connection between the physical and spiritual worlds, the foundation on which we build life and the birth of a thought into reality. CHOCHMA (choch-MA) is the divine or universe’s wisdom as appears in us in the form of ideas, thoughts and creative sparks. Together, YESOD & CHOCHMA are the way of bringing our inspired ideas into reality through building a solid foundation, harnessing knowledge & wisdom and taking action upon it.

We believe that our spiritual side combined with a healthy mindset are the key to success.

We also believe that it’s time for every woman in the world to step into her power, creating a luscious, incredible, abundant and fulfilling life for herself. It’s time for you to demand what you want in life and create it for yourself with love and passion.

To do so, we have created a mindful curated space in which you can learn, create, connect and grow into your own vision of success. We are dedicated to sharing the knowledge, tools and techniques Tal has acquired through years of learning, teaching and coaching women so you can create your dreams and step into your power. 



Tal is an artist, educator and coach. A free spirit at heart, she loves being creative and doing things on her own terms. Freedom is fun!

After years of working in highly structured organizations such as Intel and the military, she also understands that true freedom comes from combining the creative and spiritual with structure, discipline and action-taking.

That is why she founded YESODMA. She wanted to create more discipline in her life and also to be surrounded with like-minded women. Women who are always thirsty to learn more, are not afraid to challenge themselves and go after their dreams.

In YESODMA she shares her experience and knowledge, both personal and professional, having been teaching and coaching women for the last decade. She had witnessed the miracles, successes and breakthroughs that came to be for the women who were ready to create change, to believe in themselves and do the work necessary.

A combination of spiritual, mindset and productivity teachings with a strong emphasis on individualism, creative thinking and intuitive guidance, YESODMA is the loving space Tal has imagined as the place for women to create their own unique type of success and be in their power.

A self-taught painter with an academic background in architecture (Israel), photography and art (Fashion Institute of Technology, New York City) she values self-expression and exploration and loves to be surrounded with beauty, style and good design.

Connecting to intuition and taking action on it is also a big part of her life lessons and one of the main reasons she started teaching and coaching women. She believes that the spiritual together with inspired action and a great deal of desire and passion are the key to success and happiness.

Lover of daily rituals, intentional living, books and cats, she values the little pleasures of life, as well as, its luxuries.

She welcomes you to the YESODMA space and hopes you will go on your own love and success path