Breaking Through Limitations and Shattering Glass Ceilings: a TRUE fairytale

Once upon a time, in a world filled with self doubt and limitations, there was a remarkable woman who believed her dreams were out of reach. She couldn’t see beyond her current situation and the glass ceiling it created. This beautiful woman was a client of mine, and little did she know that a life changing journey awaited her, one that would break her glass ceiling and transform the way she views herself and what is possible for her.

At the start of our coaching journey together her mind was clouded with doubts and insecurities. She didn’t believe she can create her dream business. Years of struggle shrank her belief of what was possible, but her heart was brave and open. Our dear friend was willing to embark on a coaching journey in hopes of creating a better life for herself and fulfilling her life’s mission.

Image by Yaroslav Shuraev

With each session, our fierce warrior began to peel away the layers of self doubt, fears and limiting beliefs that held her captive. She discovered strengths and talents she forgot she had (and some new ones, at that). Her passions were awakened and her inner spark ignited.

She realized that limitations were nothing but illusions! An evil scheme to keep her from soaring to great heights.

Armed with new found clarity, a burning passion and a heart singing with possibilities, our heroine was determined to carve a new path for herself. And what a beautiful path it had turned to be.

She poured her heart and soul into turning her dreams into reality. She faced the challenges head-on, transformed any setbacks into stepping stones and paved her way with courage and faith. She started her business, filled with love, and today it brings calm and healing to many women.

Not only did our heroine create her dreams, but she completely triumphed. She conquered the monsters of doubt and limitations, used her sword to cut through what was not serving her, and rose like a phoenix, breaking through barriers and smashing her glass ceilings. She has transformed into a powerful woman, knowing her worth and all the good she deserves.

To all the phenomenal women out there, this is your reminder that within you lies the same heroine as the one within my beautiful client. Don’t let anyone, not even you, confine you within the walls of limitations and fear. You are strong! You have the courage, and the audacity to create a life beyond your wildest dreams, the life you deserve. Embrace your gifts, uncover your inner heroine, and shatter every glass ceiling in your path to your kind of happiness.

To your success


Abracadabra: Creating your reality through the magic of words


Unleashing the Warrior Within: 7 Lessons on Courage to Ignite Your Inner Fire!